The first templar trainer
The first templar trainer

The game itself is linear with about twenty different areas to explore across numerous missions. Working together the acrobatic character is able to move around and flank enemies, grapple them and hold them for the Templar to come in and finish. While one character is the Templar is the muscle of the operation the Noble Woman or the Trainer is a bit more acrobatic and flexible. Players pick from one of two characters, though the beginning of the game has a trainer that's a third character. The game is even semi-historically accurate. It's a mix of action with some light RPG elements that make it like a mix of Dante's Inferno and Assassin's Creed. I would rather have a successful product launch rather than on time.We got an early look at The First Templar at E3 2010 this year, the two player co-op game is a bit of a rarity. But then I wouldn’t be project lead for long. If I was project lead at this stage of completion I would say TSW is a year out. But those still bound by the NDA know the true state of things, and if fanbois are still saying there is time to fix things. So I know I didn’t see the entire data package. This weekend package only had a one hour download, that is fast. That we are seeing the game in its released state. I was going to say to the fanbois, that a month is not time enough to fix things. I was also using a different build, so his inventory problem may have had a different cause.

the first templar trainer

Another example of players fighting the UI, and not the game. I logged in an hour after he left and was able to recreate the “bug” by clicking and unclicked the padlock icon on the inventory window. Grakulen was playing with his inventory Open the whole time, he said it was a known Bug. Finally I clicked on the quest tracker and stumbled upon the one and only control. Next I mistakenly check the list of controls to see if there is a Hotkey to switch them. So I opened my quest Journal with the J key to switch the active quest. The quest tracker stacks the quests so only one is tracked at a time. But I had three types of quests, a blue, red, and green. I understand that TSW doesn’t utilize a “Quest Hub” system, in favor of a “Branching Quest Storyline” system.

the first templar trainer

The main room is filled with “Door Decals” that don’t open, and Guard NPCs that don’t speak and can’t be interacted with. And that is it for the Templar faction base, three rooms, three intractable NPCs. The third room is an instanced weapon training room, and a weapons trainer NPC. There is a second office size room with your first quest giver. She may be a quest giver at a higher level. The Templar Keep is made up of one massive room with a vaulted ceiling, There is one NPC in this room that will rudely talk with you. On the minimap the vendor icons overlap and look sloppy. The result, this large room looks empty, and rigged by amateurs. There is one Vendor shop with 6 vendor NPCs sharing 5% of the available floor space. The small starting zone that the above poster is referring to is the Capital City London, and not the Underground Tube System from the tutorial. How fun is a game that you spend 20% of your time fighting the UI rather than the mobs.

the first templar trainer

This is a minor point some may feel, but it goes to the utility of the game. Same thing happened when he tried to use a cell phone on a body. A ladder is a 10 foot x 1 foot target, not the 2 inch rail. Grakulen tried to use a ladder, but mousing over it was tricky. The first thing I watched that annoyed me, small difficult to click and interact with objects in the game. I watched Grakulen & RipperX stream before I made my first test character. There is no NDA for the beta weekend event so I feel free to say this.

The first templar trainer